Writer-type moms, dads, or teachers interested in part-time or full-time work are encouraged to apply for two of our most flexible positions, Shunyi Correspondent and Web Editor. Both positions can be expanded to forty hours (full-time) or reduced to twenty hours (part-time).
The part-time contracts work well for responsible freelancers with a few projects already on their plate.
We’re a great company for parents with children as our editor work hours are incredibly flexible, and arrangements can be made to work from home and out and about. Three of our current editors have children, with one currently working remotely as she just had a baby!
The Shunyi Correspondent position is inherently social as it encourages you to be a part of your community, finding the scoop on schools, events, and businesses in this popular Beijing suburb. You’ll have the chance to contribute to both the website and the magazine. Candidates for this position should have a basic understanding of online marketing and website functions (a good test is if you can easily navigate, share, and network with others through Facebook and WeChat).
The Web Editor position is for someone who enjoys marketing, social media, web technology, and has a strong proofreading eye. Writing topics will vary and contributions will be included on both the website and the magazine.
If you’d like to apply, please send your CV and a writing sample or online portfolio link to editor@beijing-kids.com.