1. Dr. M. Amin on

    PPM is not the only matter you should test. For example, Watson’s Water has very low PPM, sounds very good. But, it is not, bcs the pH is ONLY 6.5, acidic and dangerous. Water with less than 150 PPM TDS and 7.5 to 8.0 pH is a good one.

  2. Good experiment. I was also curious and did the same at-home TDS test with a variety of bottled waters. After doing some online searching and posting my test findings to friends I discovered that a higher TDS reading is not necessarily bad- many natural mineral waters have higher readings than tap water. Evian water is listed on its website as 309 ppm.Fiji water lists itself as 224 ppm and both of these are considered premium brands. Beneficial Minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium are present in higher quantities in many mineral waters. TDS solids can come from natural sources as well as manmade sources. I also measured distilled water, which of course was 0ppm. World drinking water guidelines say that TDS readings under 500ppm are desirable for drinking water. I had thought my TDS reader would show impurities like microorganisms or bacteria, which it doesn’t. So when I discovered my TDS readings for my tap water and expensive bottles mineral water were both over 300 I panicked. But it’s safe to drink one and not the other! Anyway, kudos to you for doing this — with vendors reusing and refilling bottles with who knows what it can be nerve wracking. Thanks again!

    • Wow you’re right! This is interesting. It’s such a struggle to find the best bottled water for our children, isn’t it? Glad you liked the post though, will see what additional research I can do. Thank you!

  3. Dear Jackie, I’m glad that there are moms in Beijing like you who are concerned about the quality of our drinking water. I work in the bottled water industry and hope I can answer some of these concerns. Please contact me via wechat “maiaquaservice”.
    As a general guide I would say that the good things you want in your water are minerals such as Calcium and Magnesium which is also how you measure the hardness of a water. But also Iron, Zinc and other elements are beneficial in small quantities. Furthermore you want to have some electrolytes such as Chloride, Potassium and Sodium especially if you want to quench your thirst after some exercise. And as mentioned above by others the pH or alkalinity levels are very important. Especially if you eat salty foods like snacks or anything fried. I actually suffer from acid reflux that sometimes turns into stomach ulcers and I have discovered that water that is more alkaline helps to balance my body again.
    What you don’t want in your water are of course bacteria, pesticides, hormones, heavy metals and other microbial inorganic chemicals that are harmful to your body. The question of course is what are these specifically and are they in fact in our water. To answer that we must determine how you consume water. Please let me know whether you drink tap water or bottled. And more importantly if it’s tap water which filter do you use and if it’s bottled water what is its source? Is it natural mineral water or spring water or is it purified water? Then we can continue to determine how we test our drinking water and I think that is where the misunderstanding with the Xiaomi TDS meter occurred. Since it was meant to measure the tap water before you use the Xioami water filter but you went ahead and tested it with bottled water. Don’t get me wrong, some bottled water is nothing more than tap water in a bottle. I’d be happy to tell you more about a) different types of bottled waters b) Chinese and international standards for bottled water c) standards for tap water d) How to test our water and perhaps which water is best suited for your lifestyle.

    • Which brands of water are distilled? I need some for my humidifier as anything else builds up a horrible, crusty residue inside it

      • Andrew Killeen on

        Hi Mika, thanks for your comment! This post is three years old, so it might be best to contact Gotz directly with the details above. However we haven’t done a round up of different waters for a while, so we’ll look to cover that again soon.

  4. Water taste depends on contain present in it. If water is contaminated then smell the odor and not test well, on another side if its clean and bacteria free then it doesn’t smell and taste well.

  5. In short, PPM is ‘parts per million’ which is a measure of ANY (both good and bad) particles in the solution (water) and using it as a ‘measure of quality’ for mineral waters is akin to using kcal as the ‘measure of quality/ healthiness’ of food – without making difference between proteins/ complex carbs and trans-fats and sugar…

    Mineral Waters (yes, the ones you pay a premium for) have much higher PPM as they actually contain minerals (Calcium. Magnesium…) that are important for human body (the ones you are otherwise likely to replenish via pills and other artificial sources). The ones with 0 PPM are distilled waters – which is not even good to drink in a long run as it wash your body from nutrients.

    Well it’s sad to see how people with zero knowledge pretend to be ‘experts’ and share their opinion on topic they do not know a dime about…In pre-internet era that was fine – but now this kind of ‘fake news’ spread quickly – and we have a generation of people drinking ‘zero value’ distilled water thinking they are doing right

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