OASIS has begun a new workshop series hosted by Leora Martin, Registered Dietician. This workshop aptly named the Mother & Child Nutrition Workshop (M&C Nutrition Workshop) will discuss everything moms need to help create a healthy and nutritional home environment for their families.
The M&C Nutrition Workshop will be held monthly with new topics. It’s an informal class with babies and young children welcome, think of it as your Friday mid-morning get together with Leora. Our September workshop began with moms first experience.
Breastfeeding is a special experience for both you and your baby. It gives your baby the very best start as a newborn. Breastmilk is the healthiest food for newborns as it provides all the nutrients babies need to grow big and strong. Breastmilk also contains important antibodies which help protect your baby against many illnesses.
Many mothers worry about:
- whether their baby is getting enough breastmilk?
- are they getting enough nutrition?
- Should I be supplementing formula?
- Should I not be eating or drinking this or that?
Listen up moms!
A mother’s capacity to produce milk of sufficient quantity and quality to support infant growth is resilient and remarkably resistant to nutritional deprivation. The only thing moms need worry about is themselves!
Breastfeeding moms need to take care of their own nutritional health. Your body is putting a 110% effort in to creating the perfect meal for your baby, so moms…. stock up on fuel!
Breastmilk Composition
Mom Fuel
On average breastfeeding moms need an extra 300 calories per day
Attention Coffee Lovers!
Another source of fuel for most women is hot cup-a-joe. If you are a coffee lover, don’t dismay. Most breastfeeding moms can drink a moderate amount of caffeine per day (about 300mg) without it effecting their infants, that’s equal to about two to three cups. Some caffeine can pass through the breast milk to the baby. Drinking any more than this can cause some babies to become fussy or have trouble sleeping so don’t go overboard.
Leora Martins M&C Nutrition Workshops aims to make the unfathomable, fathomable, the impossible, possible. Nutrition is your friend not your enemy and Leora will show how to make healthy living simple.
This was just a taste from September 30th’s workshop. You may have missed out on our Breastfeeding Nutrition Support, but there’s always…
…next time
October 28th, 10:00 – 11:00
OASIS International Hospital
Topic: All you need to know about starting solids
To register, email Ashley.Gaul@oasishealth.cn
Workshop costs 50 RMB per person and is free for OASIS patients
About the author:
Leora Martin is a Registered Dietician (RD). She graduated with honors from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, with a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences. She received training as a clinical dietitian in Israel Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital, focusing mainly in the areas of: pediatrics, internal medicine & post-surgical care. Leora believes that “childhood nutrition is the cornerstone of a healthy future.” As a nutritionist in Israel, she held health talks providing health and nutritional information to many primary and secondary schools. She was also an important member of an informal educational team in a Jewish school in Melbourne Australia, and has worked over the years with “Zichron Menachem,” an organization that provides support for children struggling with cancer and their family members. Leora specializing in Child, Internal Medicine and Post-Operative nutritional support.
This article is sponsored by OASIS International Hospital
Photos: Provided by OASIS