My daughter loves scissors, which means perfect for her creative interests but terrible for her hair and her brother’s. She likes to practice on him before snipping her own bangs. She once cut a bald spot in my son’s gorgeous medium length hair. I’m not so sure her motivations weren’t fueled by jealousy.
This past weekend, hubs and I were chatting at the dinner table when I heard giggling and yells of “Stop it!” coming from our forbidden bedroom. Our room is completely off limits because, well, imaginative and naughty children have easy access to scissors, markers, and lots of papers which are fun to color on but a nightmare to replace while overseas. You know, birth and marriage certificates and stuff. Nothing says official like purple hearts and pink flowers.
When I heard the yell of protest, I assumed big sis was romping on her 弟弟 (didi) while she is still barely the right size to physically intimidate him (not for much longer as that little boy is growing like a jimson weed). I probably looked like my mom in shock when I saw her dirty blonde locks lying in clumps under my desk. CLUMPS.
I wanted to cry, but instead I did what my mom would do. I stripped her of her clothes (easy to clean up the hair after) and set her in front of the bathroom mirror on a stool. Snip, snip. Attempt number one.
After a day I decided she looked way too much like a 90’s demon child, though she reported to me one of her classmates named Muyi liked her hair. Attempt two ended up with a pixie cut my husband hates with my daughter asking if she’s a boy now and if I still love her. I admit I messed up on the bangs but that’s not something a few hairpins can’t fix. I’ve now been forbidden to use the scissors on hair, too, after a reminder of my self-inflicted hair mishaps from the past. Funny thing is that a few friends have asked for me to cut their hair. No really, you don’t want me to cut it.
I don’t know if you’re brave like me or understand hair grows, but here are a few tutorials for a bit of guidance.
How to Cut Boy’s Hair Like A Pro
If you’re like my husband and prefer a stylist, we’ve enjoyed featuring these stylists in Indulge, our regular column where we give mommies makeovers. (Click on the headers to see each salon’s mommy/daddy makeover.)
Catherine de France 法式美容美发沙龙
Tue-Sun 9am-9pm. B1 East Avenue Bldg,10 Xin Dong Lu, Chaoyang District (8442 5120, 135 2147 3492, 朝阳区新东路10号逸盛阁首层
London Loft
Tue-Sun 9am-8pm. Unit 501, 5/F, Bldg 1, Dongwai Mansions, Dongcheng District (WeChat or SMS 1352019 9568) 北京市东城区新中东路3号院东外公馆1号楼501
Z by David Hairdressing
Daily 10am-9pm. B1-003, Bldg 5, 8 Xindong Lu Complex, Chaoyang District (8424 4533) 新东路8号院5号楼B1-003
Xiaomi Salon 小米沙龙
Daily. 10am-9.30pm. Shop 8-3/8-8, Left Bank, Solana Lifestyle Shopping Park, 6 Chaoyang Gongyuan Nanlu, Chaoyang District (5905 1800) 朝阳公园南路6号蓝色港湾8-3/8-8店铺
Hair Attack
Daily. 9am-9pm. Unit 3006, Tower AB, Vantone Center, 6
Chaoyangmenwaidajie, Chaoyang District (187 1006 1306) 朝阳区朝外大街甲6号万通中心AB座2层3006
Laurent Falcon Sanlitun
Daily 10am-8pm. Bldg 43, Sanlitun Beijie Nan, Chaoyang District (6417 1371, 135 0137 2971, 135 0137 3971
Would you like to sponsor a makeover or get one? Get in touch!