Kids Spring Theatre Camp Auditions

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Still in the middle of winter and looking for cool things kid can do? Why not take them to audition for a theater camp?

Beijing Playhouse Academy of Performing Arts in partnership with Beijing Playhouse is opening the curtain for kids ages 6-14 aspiring to become the next big thing in theater, dance, and music. The auditions for Kids Spring Weekend Stage Theatre Camp will be held at Daystar International School on January 10, at 10 AM. Participants will be exposed to all facets of theater, like the basics of acting, singing, and dancing, as well as set and costume design and prop making! And of course, the goal of the camp is to let kids have fun.

Everyone will be cast to perform Jules Verne’s classic 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea with song, dance, and acting. The camp lasts eight weeks from March 18 to May 6, 2017, and is done every Thursday 5 PM to 8.30 PM and Saturday 9 AM to 4 PM. It will culminate with a family performance.

Tuition is RMB 9,000 and some English proficiency is required. For inquiries, please visit Beijing Playhouse’s website or email them at

All photos courtesy of Beijing Playhouse.

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