Editor’s Corrections: The original article in the 2017 School Choice Guide (pg 96) was printed with two errors: 1) The pictures of Escelle of LFIP and Victorious of Daystar Academy were switched, and 2) Kirsten of YCIS’s quote had an accidental phrase “from my mother-in-law.” The correct rendering of the article is below.
“I like leaning French, English with “Teddy Bear,” eating at the canteen, and playing at the playground with my friends.”
Escelle, 6, Canada, French International School of Beijing (LFIP)

“What I like best about YCIS are the teachers. They are fun, kind, helpful, and, of course, almost always organizing good events. Sometimes they give us fun activities to do, for example, making stop-motion movies, field trips, and teeny-weeny science experiments. Of course, without these types of teachers, I don’t think YCIS would be a fun school at all!”
Kirsten, 10, Malaysia, Yew Chung International School of Beijing (YCIS)
“The best thing that I like about my school is that we always win in competitions and we learn a lot.”
Victorious, 10, Zimbabwe, Daystar Academy
My favorite thing about HIS is the After School Activities. Because we are a small school, I get to be on the A-team of a lot of sports. I also get to know everyone. I know all the seniors and the kindergartners.
Noah, 11, US, Hope International School
I like that I had the opportunity to work on the Greenpower China Project, creating a renewable fuel vehicle and then racing it. It was a great experience and we had great success, but it really tested my engineering skills and my teamwork.
Henry H., 12th Grade, Beijing No. 55 High School, International Student Section
“What I like best about my school are the trips. We go on trips most days, and can choose what subjects we study.”
Paul, 14, UK, Homeschooled
This article originally appeared on page 96 of the 2017 issue of beijingkids School Choice Guide. Click here for your free online copy. To find out how you can obtain a hard copy, contact distribution@truerun.com.