A few weeks ago my fiend and I decided to have a little last minute get together. We wanted to make a vision board as life coach Carnisa Berry had recently told us about this project. I had done some cutting and pasting in my youth but this was taking arts and crafting to another level, and it was with adults, so no crazy toddlers with scissors running around. We invited Berry over to our location along with a few friends to join us, at our vision board craft night. I checked Berry’s website to see what kind of information it would need. The page for the Write the Vision Workshop states that “this workshop is for anyone, ages 12 and up. We will use photos and various images to create a vision board that reflects the future you want. The workshop will also empower participants”
Berry started with a presentation on how, and especially why, we should make and have a vision board. She explained that having a vision board can be helpful with achieving your goals. She listed the benefits and helped us decide what we needed most at this moment.
Berry had a helpful worksheet that helped me connect with what I actually wanted most in life right now. Two things stood out for me where health and wealth. These two benefits I though would help me to live a longer and happier life. We started looking through magazines and slowly I found pictures that spoke to me and that i wanted more of. These included things like traveling, mindfulness, another child, sweet dreams, time on the beach, more writing, and healthy eating.
Carnisa Berry lives in Beijing and is the founder of Berry Thoughtful Life Coaching where she helps her clients live the life they want and make dreams a possibility through guiding people towards their full potential through coaching and workshops. I have had the pleasure to attend some of her passionate workshops and work with Berry and her positive energy is a force to be reckoned with. For more information about Berry check out her website www.berrythoughtfullife.com
Pictures Pauline van Hasselt and Pixabay