With so many makers and sellers in Beijing, we’re dedicated to bringing you all the news of the markets and fairs. The creative souls around this town deserve some attention in this summer heat. If you have any breaking news to add, please contact us.
Chocolate Tea is here
We all need a fresh new cold drink to get through this summer heat, so make way for chocolate ice tea, a refreshing cold tea which smells like chocolate. You read it right, chocolate! I usually like to eat chocolate but with my recent health stint I have been refraining from it. So this tea took care of some of my chocolate cravings, and my daughter loved it too. Find this chocolate tea from COCODEER usually to be found at the Farms to Neighbors market. Or add cocodeers on WeChat for more information.
Natura Siberica
Natura Siberica is an imported all-natural skin care brand from Siberia. This brand has kids’ and adult skin care products. We tried and tested some of the creams and soaps and are hooked! The kids’ soap has our kids washing their hands without any problems. Natura Siberica was founded in 2007, and the products contain Siberian herbs and plants. The containers are colorful and make us happy just looking at them. There is a easy way to find these products in Beijing, add AldySha on WeChat for more information.
Rumble in the Jumble First Birthday
Mark your calendars – Rumble in the Jumble is turning one, and it won’t go past without a party. August 26 is the date for the birthday bash market, and later in the evening there’s a party with music from Rebel 5, a raffle, face painting and more birthday cheer. Watch this space for more information.
Pictures: pixabay, courtesy of the vendors