October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and to help spread some insight in Beijing and beyond about the illness, Beijing United Family Hospital is hosting an educational health talk on September 21 (7pm) to discuss breast cancer detection and diagnosis.
One of the best and easiest methods you can use towards both the prevention and the early detection of breast cancer is to educate yourself about the signs and symptoms of this dangerous disease.
We can’t imagine how it must feel to have to undergo such a serious threat so far away from the familiarity of home. But now more than ever, Beijing has the resources needed to give you or a loved one the help and support needed to get through this difficult time. To explain, BJU will be enlisting the help of a breast cancer survivor who will talk about her experience of battling the disease as an expat. Throughout the event, you can also hear practical advice from specialists, who will discuss topics ranging from self-examination to the process of getting treated.
Check out their WeChat posting for more info on what to expect, and how to sign up here and register early to ensure you get a spot, as space is limited to the first 25 people who sign up. As an extra bonus, the first three people to register will have the opportunity to do a private, one-on-one self-check tutorial with United Family New Hope Oncology Center’s oncologist, Dr. Tian.
Through registering, you will also be entered into a raffle, featuring a variety of prizes including a Well-Woman Care Rose Package from Beijing United Family Hospital, which is a comprehensive health assessment for women which includes a breast cancer screening for those over the age of 40.
Photo: naturalsociety.com