The weather for sweating in the park is just right. Now you have no excuses holding you back from being active. Well, maybe you still have some excuses as it’s surprising the things we tell ourselves to get out off breaking a simple sweat. But seriously, one of the best reasons to get you and the fam engaging in some beneficial physical exertion that’s good for both mind and body is Incy Wincy Park Family Yoga.
Starting this Sunday and continuing every Sunday that the weather or AQI permits (as long as it’s under 200), adults and children four and up can join this class that goes from 10:30am-12pm near the northern entrance to Chaoyang Park. All you need to participate is an open mind, a yoga mat, and RMB 100 per family.
Angelina, the founder of Incy Wincy Kids Yoga, has ten years of experience teaching kids and families. Her instruction has taken her to many international schools around the city and even on television, teaching kids how to appreciate this ancient practice of Yoga in a safe and fun environment.
To learn more about Angelina and her ideas regarding the benefits of yoga and some additional amazing things she is doing, check out this article here featured in the November issue of beijingkids.
As a little extra incentive to get you out to Chaoyang Park this Sunday, all participants of this class will also enjoy 10 percent off at Tribe Solana. For those of you that are not aware, they cook up a pretty healthy brunch so that you can continue riding that wave of euphoria for the entire day.
Photo: Uni You