Legendary football star David Beckham quietly popped by Beijing last week, playing a fun match of footie with a children’s team, stopping by a charity event, and eliciting a small frenzy from photo snapping onlookers after helping to relaunch the Adidas store in Sanlitun Taikooli, but otherwise deftly avoiding the limelight during his quick, low-key stay.
Anonymous sources tell the Beijinger that Beckham checked into the Opposite House late on Wednesday, Jun 20, and checked out the following day. It was later reported that Beckham was on hand for the reopening of the complex’s Adidas shop and posted a picture of himself at the event in front of a sea of fans on his official Instagram account.

In a more high-profile, better-covered event, Beckham stopped by a Beijing school’s football pitch and kicked a ball around with some local students in what state media called an “energetic game.”
Aside from visiting Beijing, the adored midfielder also traveled solo to Tokyo recently, running parallel to rumors in the British tabloids that he and his wife – fashion mogul and former Spice Girl – Victoria Beckham, were in the middle of a potential divorce. The couple has fended that gossip off in the interim, however, according to a Daily Mail article that highlighted Beckham’s Asia travels, his World Cup predictions and some charming recent photos of the tattooed football heartthrob with the former pop star hand in hand and looking every bit the happy couple.
Beckham certainly kept a lower profile in Beijing compared to other celebrities who ventured here in recent years. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, for instance, released a slick movie trailer worthy clip about his stay in the CBD a few months back. Then there was Samuel L. Jackson, who thoroughly documented his eating and shopping habits at Da Dong, Plastered 8, and other Beijing institutions via Instagram in early 2017. Hopefully, the Beckhams and other famous faces who make their way to the capital will go that more entertaining, eye-catching route during future visits, rather than slipping under the radar of their enthused fans.
Photos: AFP/Getty Images via the Daily Mail, Instagram (@davidbeckham)