WeChat groups are a vital resource for Beijing’s international community, not only providing information but bringing together people with shared interests. Each week we’ll be highlighting a thriving group chat, so whether you’re new to town or just looking to expand your networks, you can find your people.
WeChat is such a big part of our lives now, it’s hard to believe the ubiquitous social media app is only seven years old. One of the longest-running groups we’ve come across was established shortly after WeChat was launched, and goes by the intriguing name of “Knowledge is Powerful”. We asked founder Perlita Pengson to tell us more.

Perlita Pengson
Tell us about yourself, and how you came to be admin of this group.
I’ve been in Beijing for almost 30 years. I love to share positivity with others, especially with my close friends. I have three kids and I also raise them in a positive way.
When WeChat was born, I took the chance to share positivity with a wider audience, so I created the group called “Knowledge is Powerful”. Most of my posts were reminders for me, to get me through a day in my life. As the group grew wider, there were more and more people who posted positive quotes, phrases, and videos, and they become part of my positive energy too.
Who’s in the group and what do you talk about?
It’s an international community, mostly based in Beijing. But now it has more and more worldwide members.
We talk about positive encouragement and also helping each other overcome emotions or struggles in life by giving each other positive words, and talking to each other like they are our close friends or family. In the group, we make sure that everyone feels special and acknowledge their shared thoughts.
Although we are literally strangers, we show that we care by supporting them, even just with our written words.
Do you meet up in real life?
We haven’t done one, but we are planning to start a small afternoon tea meet up during weekends.
If you’d like to share the power of positivity, contact PerlitaPengson1 on WeChat.
Photo: courtesy of Perlita Pengson