“It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover, to your surprise, that you have rendered something in its true character.”
Camille Pissarro
Every two weeks, Atelier Sanlitun opens its creative doors to the public for life drawing sessions. Whether a complete novice or seasoned artist, you can go and practice your drawing skills in an inclusive and friendly environment.
Paper, pencils, charcoal, paint and easels are provided and attendees are encouraged to bring along their favorite brushes and drawing books if they prefer. A qualified teacher will lead each activity where you can enjoy the pastime of drawing, and learn new techniques.

Edgar Degas (Pastel)
Drawing and painting can be therapeutic and can help with stress. The arts are a wonderful way to achieve mindfulness by bringing attention to the senses, whether it be through seeing, hearing, or tasting. Drawing can provide a focus for sensory perception and allows you to make time to be present in the moment.
There are special early bird deals until February 22. When you buy 20 lessons you get one for free, and when buying 30 lessons you can get two for free. Deal. RMB 180. Starting from February 18. Mondays (every two weeks). 7.30pm – 9.30pm. No. 68, Xinzhong Street, Dongcheng District
Photos: Courtesy of organizer