1. I have been trying to make my wechat pay work for hours, my details does not look as your site above, it states only list phone number (no ID number) and after I have filled everything in it just states “network unavailable”.
    I do have the latest Wechat app so this is very frustrating. Anyone who has similar experience and perhaps even a solution?

    • Hi lise, if your wechat pay doesn’t work now, maybe it’s because you haven’t link your bank info to wechat.
      If that’s the case, you could try this:
      -Open Wehcat pay from “Me” page, then click “wallet” and find “cards” to link your bank info, it will require your phone number again. (At this step, it might require your ID info on the “Card holder” section)
      -When you receive a code on your phone,you can enter and confirm it.
      -It will ask you to set your own password.
      Hope it’s helpful.

      • Thank you so much for your reply! I have however already done this, also reset my cards twice but still no luck. I have standard charter as my bank, not sure if this makes a difference. Will visit the bank tomorrow to see if they can help me.

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