OK, these might seem like both the coolest and most ridiculous trend to hit the baby market in a while. Luxury car manufacturer, Bentley has partnered with 100 year-old British brand, UK Doctor Ian, to scientifically engineer a state-of-the-art diaper. The multi-million dollar iconic car brand intends to diversify into the baby-care industry, classing up the diaper bags of moms all over the world with a durable, soft, and biodegradable absorbent cushion for baby’s tushie!

Vroom Vroom!
When it comes to diapering our little ones the options are endless, from what brands to go with to whether to opt for cloth diapers, the sea of choice around this seemingly simple purchase can drive you crazy. I’m what the retail industry likes to call a ‘brand loyalty’ customer. When I find something I like, it’s almost impossible to get me to switch. I can be a pretty indecisive person at times, so having a solid collection of go-to purchases from familiar and trusted brands means that I don’t have to think too hard!
Before my son was born, I desperately wanted to give cloth diapers a go. When considering the waste and cost, I thought about how this little decision could have a big impact on my family’s personal carbon footprint. However, again, the sea of choice (and not to mention the cycle of cleaning the cotton linings) scared me into submission, and like many other new moms, I chose the most seemingly stress-free option. I have been using one of the leading supermarket brands, after giving its rival a trial during the first month of my baby’s arrival.
Here’s how I chart Pampers quality and durability:
#1 Comfort 6/10
This, for obvious reasons, is a difficult one. My son doesn’t seem to have any problems with comfort when in a Pampers diaper, however I often find them twisted or shifted sideways when he is being super active. Initially thinking this was more to do with the size of the nappy, I started to buy a bigger size, but alas the problem persisted.
#2 Dryness 6/10
During the day, my son is changed consistently, and so we have never experienced any leaks. However even in Pampers Active Baby-Dry, which is promised to provide 12 hours of dryness during baby’s sleep at night, we have experienced leaks, even when the diaper is not full. This again, may have something to do with how active my son is during the night, but the design of their dry-wear diapers may need some improvement.
#3 Softness 5/10
Pampers don’t feel as soft as one might think a diaper should be for baby’s bottom! In my opinion a diaper should have that soft, cottony, organic feel, and this is just not the case with Pampers. However it’s no surprise, as the standard shop-bought diaper is made using dioxins, sodium polyacrylate, tributyl-tin (TBT), adhesive chemicals, and an array of other plastics. Doesn’t sound very soft, right? Diapers should be made using breathable material, like cotton, hemp, and bamboo.
Bentley Diapers
Poop wasn’t the only thing Lux was rolling around in this week, as my little one was given the privilege of trialing this lavish diaper range from Bentley Motors. The Bonnah family had our reservations, as we’ve spent the best part of this year trying to live more sustainably and turning up our new green noses at anything borderline unnecessary for the home, our son, or the environment. However, I am pleasantly surprised at the quality, price, and social responsibility element of these branded diapers.
The diapers were super soft, and durable, with no leaks! Lux enjoying playing and crawling around in them and the expandable soft waistband on the pull-up version looked as comfy as they come, allowing my little one to be as active as he liked without any chaffing, twisting, or shifting. They felt soft to the touch and were very light – almost cloud-like. That crinkly, plastic-feel that other supermarket diaper brands have was non-existent, and the pull-ups stayed up.
The fold-and-close versions were just as soft and durable, but I found the pull-ups to be snugger. The Bentley Motor branding of course adds some entertainment value with the whole bizarre concept of a leading luxury car brand producing diapers, and was a funny if not cool addition to the look. But what is the overreaching and defining aspect of the diaper range is its quality and biodegradable feature.
These are my scores:
#1 Comfort 9/10
#2 Dryness 10/10
#3 Softness 10/10
You can get your hands on these luxury diapers for your little one for RMB 78 per pack of 40 when you buy a membership card for RMB 2980 (with a RMB 500 deposit to ensure they’re not sold on the black market!), or RMB 98 per pack when you purchase three with free delivery when you buy a membership card for RMB 298. For more information and to make a purchase contact WeChat: wxid_4q6t33538xjx22.
Photos: Nicole Bonnah