The importance of business and entrepreneurial experiences for teens is increasingly recognized. Are you or your teen ready to leave the nest and take the challenge?
Many progressive schools now include business or entrepreneurial studies in middle and high school, and there is no shortage of avenues where they can showcase their creativity and entrepreneurial talents. This year, the Dulwich College Beijing Enterprise Fair is back once again with a unique Halloween Twist!
Hosted by the Year 11 STEM students, the Enterprise Fair will take place after school from 3.30 to 7pm on October 24 and 25 in the main atrium. Andrew Walton, the Design Teacher and lead teacher organizer, told us some ideas this year include customized stickers and tattoos, key chains with 3D printed designs, special USB cases, and more. There will be a range of products produced by Year 10 STEM and Business Management Studies students available for sale, as well as professional vendors with their products and delicious food on the second day.
For those who want to feel the Halloween vibe, you will not be disappointed. There will be several scary and fun Halloween-themed activities waiting for you, such as a haunted house, pumpkin carving, a horror VR experience, and live music, as well as collaboration with STUCO’s Halloween Movie Night. If you want to reserve your pumpkin to carve a jack-o’-lantern, you can scan the QR code here to get one.
Dulwich College Enterprise Fair, Oct 24-25
All ages. 3.30-7pm (This event is open to the DCB community and will be open to the public on October 25 starting at 4:30pm). Dulwich College Beijing Legend Garden Campus. 北京德威英国国际学校 北京市顺义区首都机场路89号丽京花园7区.
Photos: Courtesy of Dulwich College Beijing