One of the things that make living in Beijing so unique is the sense of community amongst expats. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, here, we’re all foreigners and we’re all navigating our way through the ins and outs of the city together. It’s that sense of community that makes life in Beijing truly unique.
Recently one expat mom has taken on the challenge of raising money to help a fellow mom send her beloved pup Mila to the UK.

Meet Mila
Mila is a mixed-breed rescue dog who was just two months old when she was found abandoned on the streets of Beijing. It took time for Mila to feel comfortable with her new family. “When we took her in, she was terrified of people and would hide under my arm. Any food given to her was inhaled because she wasn’t sure when she would get her next meal. Now she’s grown into a calm and confident dog.”, says dog mom Nina Sharma. “While living in China, we were able to give her a home. Now that we have left Beijing, we don’t want her to end up at the dog shelter or homeless again. We are trying to fundraise for her export cost so she can move to the UK and stay with us permanently.”
To help Mila get to her fur-ever home, fellow Beijing mom Camila Kongshavn is using her culinary skills to help raise money.
Recently Kongshavn’s Instagram blew up with photos of her latest cake creations. Each is hand made with love, and each shows the thought and dedication this Beijing Wonderwoman puts into her work.
“I would like your help to bake for Mila, an attempt at getting closer to the amount they need to get her back home.”, says Kongshavn. “I’m offering a little metal tray of my carrot cake make with organic Ceylon cinnamon from Sri Lanka, Madagascar whole Burbon vanilla beans, and my homemade toasted caramel nut crumble with cream cheese frosting made with ingredients from New Zealand and Australis for RMB 120 including shipping as long as you live within or very close to the fourth ring road.” All proceeds, minus ingredients and shipping costs, will go towards Mila’s trip home.

So many carrot cakes, so little time
Kongshavn will continue her fundraising bake sale until Jun 1.
To get in touch with Kongshavn for carrot cake (or just to donate to Mila get home) contact her by scanning the QR code below.
Each carrot cake is approximately 500 – 600g and will be delivered between Jun 6 – 7 depending on the quantity of order. And just to be clear, these are carrot cakes for humans. Sorry pups, no noms for you this time.
Currently, Mila’s also looking for a flight volunteer, someone who’s willing to take the little pup abroad when they travel. COVID-19 has made international travel difficult for people and finding someone to be flight volunteers has become an even bigger challenge than before. If anyone is traveling from Beijing to Paris or Amsterdam and is willing to help get Mila to her fur-ever home, contact Sharma via WeChat (ID: Nina_3107).
Mila has had all her shots and proper documents and requires just three days prior notice to travel.
KEEP READING: The Way to the Forever Home: Becoming a Dog Flight Volunteer
Photos: Camila Kongshavn