This year, COVID-19 has turned the world upside down, and this year’s high school seniors experienced a final year unlike any we’ve ever seen before. But life goes on and despite the chaos, students at international schools all over Beijing are graduating in good spirits and high hopes for the future. We spoke to some of these leaders of tomorrow about their future plans, and advice for younger students. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
Hello, I am Sophia B and I was born in Taiwan. I am graduating from AISB-Hope International.
This fall semester I will be attending Biola University in California and I hope to major in nursing.
My favorite high school memory was playing sports with my friends. I loved playing sports and it was also a great way for me to build new friendships.
The teachers at my school are very kind and they want the best for every student there. They challenge us and help us grow to become a better student. This school taught me to be a hardworking person and most importantly it taught me to step out of my comfort zone and try new experiences.

Sophia B
I have tried many different study strategies, like studying in a group, making flashcards, or copying materials. But there is one study strategy that I like and will help me succeed in college, which is studying verbally with someone else. I would ask someone to quiz me and then I will explain the answer to them. Talking about the answers help me understand and learn better.
My favorite teacher would be my PE teacher because I really enjoy her classes. She is fun to be around with. She is also my volleyball coach and she pushes us to try our best. She believes in all of her players and she challenges us to be better. She is also generous because she would buy us food after we finished a tournament.

The Biola University campus, where Sophia will be studying next year
If I could go back and change one thing about my high school experience, I would change how shy I was. I want to step out of my comfort zone and be more courageous to try new things. I of course also want to change the coronavirus situation and wish that it did not happen, so every senior could enjoy their last high school year with their friends. I am devastated that I missed a lot of senior activities planned this year, but I am still thankful that I have a way to connect with friends and talk with them.
In life, building strong friendships is more important than academic success. Academic success is important of course because it will help you with college applications, but high school is just four years of our life, but the friends that we make will be there for us even after high school. My friends helped me enjoy high school and without them, the school will be stressful and boring. Friends will support and encourage you for life.
My final message to my school is that we are not alone when we are dealing with difficult situations. Look around you, you have friends who will support you and you have teachers who will help you. I also want to encourage students to step out of their comfort zone and try new things.
KEEP READING: The Senior Year That Wasn’t: Haerin L.
Photos: Sophia B, Biola University