1. “(3/7 1.28pm) High school seniors in Xining, the capital of Qinghai Province, will officially become the first students on the mainland to return to school on Wednesday, Mar 11, the Beijing News report”

    The link to the story is dead!

  2. Another source for the Xining news:




  3. You need to stop using smart quotes in your articles i.e. ‘’ and “”

    It plays havoc with formatting – paste your articles in WeChat to see what happens. Computers don’t like smart quotes, please use straight quotes!

  4. Beijing seems to be sufferine capital paralysis. Being under the eye of world and government, no one wants to make a mistake. The only way to avoid possibility of error is do nothing.

  5. Mr M B Mehdi on

    Great map! You haven’t included Liaoning (mid-April start), which takes the total to 18/31.

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