Before getting pregnant I always imagined my pregnancy as being a picture-perfect. A cute little baby bump, summer dresses, pregnancy glow, you know… the whole works. Swollen hands and ankles, a tremendous amount of back pain, sleepless nights, nausea, exhaustion, and all the stuff that you only think of to Google once you’re experiencing it were never part of my fantasy. In short, pregnancy is always easy.
Carrying around your little bundle of joy for nine months takes a toll on a woman’s body and it doesn’t stop there. After the baby is born you’ve still got to deal with all the fun postpartum stuff: there’s the pregnancy weight you may want to shed, complications with breastfeeding, hair loss, waiting for you vajayjay to recover, and praying that the stitches you got don’t hurt when you go potty.
Now I don’t know where the tradition of giving a ‘push present’ came from, or who came up with the cute name, but it’s a custom that needs to catch on here, so ladies, spread the word.

Bun in the oven!
What is a ‘push present’?
‘A push present’ is a present that’s typically given to the new mom by her partner after the baby has been delivered. They are gaining popularity in the west, and are kind of like a “thank you for all that you’ve put yourself through” gift. According to Linda Murray, executive editor of, “It’s more and more an expectation of moms these days that they deserve something for bearing the burden for nine months, getting sick, ruining their body. The guilt really gets piled on.”
Celebrities on Instagram have been flaunting their over-the-top push presents for years, with Kylie Jenner receiving a black Ferrari and Beyonce scoring a USE 35K 8-10 carat blue diamond ring from Jay-Z. For us mere mortals, push presents aren’t anywhere as elaborate or pricy. At the end of the day, it’s not about how much the gift costs, it’s about what it represents, and a push present represents your partner’s humble appreciation.
So are these gifts just for moms who have pushed babies out?
Not at all! As one Beijing mom puts it “they’re for all moms, whether you drop ‘em, or pop ‘em” while another new mom in Beijing joked that her partner called it her ‘slice present’ because their baby was delivered via C-section. Some moms will love a new pair of diamond earrings or necklaces, but for others like myself, who has never been big on jewelry, something more practical will go a lot further than something that’s purely for the bling. Like with everything, it all depends on your individual relationship and lifestyle.
Just remember, while something cute for your new baby is a great present and new moms will be sure to love it, a ‘push present’ is all about celebrating your partner, a gift that’s meant for your them and not the baby.

Yeah, as if it pregnancy was all this relaxing…
Push Present ideas for every budget available on Taobao (mostly)
The Affordable
At-home beauty appointments:
If we were back in the US this would fall under a much pricier category. But one of the perks of living in Beijing is that finding a masseuse or manicurist to go to your house is fast and cheap.
Journal or scrapbook:
Keep a record of every stage of your new baby’s life for the moms who love to scrapbook.
The Mid-Range
This can go in basically any category, but there are companies that make semi-DIY jewelry that’ll encase droplets of your breastmilk and your baby’s first locks of hair into pearl shaped designed for you to keep forever.

How to turn breast milk into jewelry
Instant photo printer:
For the parents who love to scrapbook having an instant photo printer at home can come in handy. It’ll be a lot more convenient than running down to your local print shop, but keep in mind that while the printers are relatively inexpensive, the paper and ink can be pricy.
The Pricy
Noise-canceling headphones:
For new parents, sneaking away for a few hours to enjoy a spa session is just not going to happen for a while. The next best thing is to play some relaxing tunes at home close your eyes for some ‘me time’. Noise-canceling headphones will help new parents get a few moments of much-needed stress relief.
Customized Darry Ring:
Darry Ring is a company that does not want repeat customers, and they will only ever sell one personalized ring per person, for their entire life. Designed to be the ultimate sign of commitment to your partner, a Darry Ring definitely isn’t available on Taobao and will need to be purchased at one of their stores around China or abroad. They can only be purchased after the person’s ID has been approved, meaning that Darry Ring has verified that this person has never purchased one in the past, and a certificate along with your new ring is presented as a symbol of your everlasting love.
Did you get a Push Present after delivering your child? Leave your comment below to share your story.
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Photos: Darry Ring, Taobao, Unsplash