We know Roundabout as Beijing’s Salvation Army. When we need to redecorate, move, or spring clean, Roundabout is the first thing that our friends recommend to take away all furniture, clothing, gym equipment (like the treadmill that turned into a clothing rack after a few months) and give them all a second chance at finding new homes while raising money for a good cause.
But what else is Roundabout good for? As an expecting new mom, I’ve discovered a whole new reason to love Roundabout. More specifically, their book section.

Wall to wall of books at Roundabout
Located on the right side as soon as you walk in and taking up what looks like a good fraction of their giant warehouse store, the Book section is filled from wall to wall with donated books in every category. While the majority of the books are in English or Chinese, there is also a wide variety in other languages as well. Kids’ books are divided by age, fiction, non-fiction, art, cooking, test preparation (remember those dreaded SATs?), travel, young adult (for when you want to feel nostalgic with a copy of Harry Potter), and my personal favorite, parenting.

Never too old for Harry Potter
My first baby is on the way and were I back in the US, I’d be hitting up Barnes & Noble and reading everything from what to expect during pregnancy to birthing advice to how to care for my newborn and beyond. I know, everything can be downloaded, but what can I say? I’m old school and still prefer the feel and smell of an actual book. But not here. While Page One has a ton of sections to browse through, what they lack is a decent pregnancy and parenting one. The Roundabout books are all donated and the pregnancy and parenting section is filled with books brought over to Beijing by moms. Costing just between RMB 10 -15 per book, hitting up the Roundabout book section is like trips to the library. Roundabout receives a ton of donations that come in on a regular basis and the Roundabout volunteers work tirelessly to sort and shelf the new arrivals.

Roundabout volunteer sorting the newest donations
Nowadays, a trip to Roundabout to browse through their latest book donations, followed by seriously good Detroit style deep dish pizza at Pie Squared next door has become my new favorite “me time” routine.
Roundabout is a volunteer-run organization and the money from all purchases made at Roundabout goes to support children in need. Go ahead and get your shopping on knowing that everything you spend at Roundabout goes towards a good cause.
Got books you want to donate to Roundabout? Now’s a perfect time!
Roundabout Cathay View Plaza
No. 2 Xiangjiang Bei Lu, Chaoyang District
Ph: 6436 8506
KEEP READING: Roundabout Launches New Online Store
Images: Mina Yan, pexels