If one more person gives me the useless “advice” that I “better sleep now while I can, because when the baby comes, I won’t be able to get much of it anymore,” I’m going to lose it. You don’t need to be a parenting expert to know that babies cry. If you’re one of those people whose advice to soon-to-be moms is that their new bundle of joy will cry, please save your breath until you’ve got some legitimately useful tips to shell out.
On that note, this Mandarin Monday we’ll be covering a list of actually useful postpartum care essentials and how to purchase them on Taobao. We covered how to set up an Alipay account and a Taobao account back in June, so feel free to give yourself a little refresher course before you start filling your cart with the essentials below.
For Pain Management
DIY “padsicles” are one of those things that almost all mommy bloggers recommend. They’re essentially an ice pack for your vagina and will help you to manage your pain, especially the first few days postpartum. To make them you’ll need the following:
- Sanitary pad – 卫生护垫 wèishēng hù diàn
- Witch hazel – 金缕梅 jīn lǚ méi
- Aloe vera – 芦荟 lúhuì
- Essential oil (optional) – 香精油 xiāng jīngyóu
Other helpful pain management items may include the following:
Stool softener – 大便软化剂 dàbiàn ruǎnhuà jì
Peri bottle – 月子妇洗器 yuè zi fù xǐ qì
For Bleeding
Adult diapers – 成人纸尿裤 chéngrén zhǐniàokù
For Breastfeeding
Ice packs – 乳房冰袋 rǔfáng bīngdài
Nursing pads – 乳房护垫 rǔfáng hù diàn
Milk saver – 奶水母乳收集器 nǎishuǐ mǔrǔ shōují qì
Lanolin nipple cream – 乳头霜 rǔtóu shuāng
If you’re looking to make your own lactation snacks, the less-conventional baking ingredients that many recipes call for include:
- Fenugreek – 胡芦巴 hú lú bā
- Oatmeal – 麦片 màipiàn
- Brewer’s yeast – 啤酒酵母 píjiǔ xiào mǔ
- Chia seeds – 奇雅子 qí yǎzi
Belly support belt – 产后束缚带 chǎnhòu shùfù dài
KEEP READING: Mandarin Monday: Handy Guide on Household Waste Classification
Images: Unsplash