I started my Girl Scout journey as a Brownie, kind of the Pre-K to the Girls Scouts’ primary school activities. Long before STEM became a household phrase, my sister and I worked through that guidebook diligently to earn ourselves all the badges we could: cooking, sewing, crafting, even basic survival skills. My first overnight camp was with our Girl Scouts troop, and many friendships were forged at those meetings. If I had girls, I’d be all over this volunteer opportunity!
Mom Amy Kennedy put out the call for volunteer troop leaders this weekend so the Girls Scouts of Beijing are able to expand. If you’re interested, check out our Q&A with her below and contact Kennedy for more details.
Are you interested in helping your daughter and other girls develop courage, confidence, and character? Join Girl Scouts of Beijing! We are looking to form new troops around Beijing. Troops consist of two adult volunteers and up to 12 girls of similar age levels. We have badges and activities covering outdoors, STEM, life skills, and entrepreneurship.
BJK: This sounds so fun! How much of a time commitment are we talking about?
Amy Kennedy (AK): Getting involved with Girl Scouts is a lot of fun for adults too! Meetings are held weekly or biweekly for 1-2 hours depending on the ages of the girls. A little prep work and coordinating with your co-leader is also required.
BJK: Are troop leaders responsible for finding a location, finding a troop, or putting together any supplies?
AK: Troop leaders are responsible for finding a meeting location — mostly happening in homes this fall. There is some online training required — maybe a 90-minute commitment. We provide additional resources and support. And if you are reading to start a new troop, don’t worry, if you start it, girls will come!
BJK: What training is provided?
AK: We have online training and some local training a few times a year.
BJK: Do leaders follow a schedule or is it up to the individual troops?
AK: Leaders can organize their meetings whenever is convenient for them. We do organize a few activities at various points in the year. We all celebrate World Thinking Day at the end of February, for example.
BJK: Can my friend and I sign up to lead a troop together?
AK: Yes, finding a friend to start a troop with is a great way to go! Being a Girl Scout leader has meant ready-made friends and support for me in four of our international moves. I have made lifelong friends and have even been on holiday with some of these women. Girl Scouting really is not just for girls! That said, we welcome any Dads out there who want to get involved as well.
BJK: Who can get involved in Girl Scouts?
AK: Girls must be foreign passport holders and English speakers.
BJK: How do people get involved?
AK: Contact me via WeChat on Amy_Kennedy or email beijinggirlscouts@usagso.org.
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Photos: Courtesy of Girl Scouts of Beijing, USA Girl Scouts Overseas