Even though it has been said ad nauseam it bears repeating; we all had a rough 2020! It is hard to believe that we are now less than two weeks away from a new year, with all the hopes and terrors contained therein. Looking back, however, it is important to note the important lessons and takeaways from this year. I personally was shocked to learn just how little I knew about the people behind all my favorite Beijing eateries and haunts. But as the COVID-19 shutdown drew on, causing quite a few of these places to shut down temporarily if not permanently, word began to spread about all of the international families struggling to keep their respective businesses afloat. That is how the “Happy Home, Happy Business” series was born – as a way to introduce Beijing families to those among them responsible for the places we hold so near and dear to our hearts.
As part of our new Gratitude series, we have decided to look back on some of these interviews, and include words of hope and encouragement from these business owners and expat families, that kept us all going through the worst of the global pandemic.
Putting Quarantine Woes Into Perspective with Dave Hansen of Dave Studios

Dave Hansen and his adorable sons having a blast! And let’s not forget the cute kitty!
“As I see the global news, and the COVID-19 virus spread, I can’t help but feel I’m lucky to be living in probably the safest city in the world right now with my family. It sucks having to be under quarantine, but let’s all try to look at the bright side by enjoying the time with our families.”
The Art of Starting Anew With Fredric Lampron, Owner of Little Scholars Preschool

The Lampron family fussing over their newborn baby born right before the COVID-19 crisis at its epicenter in Wuhan, China
“To business owners I’d say, do your best to hold on through the crisis. Little Scholars has gone through two other financial/logistic crises during its nine years of existence, each one was more serious than the current one. If the worst happens and the business fails, learn from it, and try again. If you make it through the storm, learn from it, and be better prepared next time.”
What Doesn’t Kill Us…..With Benjamin Devos, owner of Comtpoirs De France

The Devos family at one of their stores in Beijing
“I am certain that this challenge will make all of us stronger. Stronger in our family ties, stronger in our relationships with our friends and with our community. Now that things are much more controlled, don’t wait and stay at home, go outside and enjoy. We only live once!”
A Quote From Bruce Lee Goes a Long Way with Chris Carline, owner and General Manager of UpperCut Boxing and Muay Thai Gym

The Carline family are the portrait of family bliss
“I’m optimistic things will work out, but the reality is there’s a lot of uncertainty now. I find it’s best to take it one day at a time and not spend too much time worrying over imaginary future scenarios. It takes so much time, and then you have to re-do them all again the next day as things change!
I like the following quote by Bruce Lee, a master of martial arts who was inspired by Taoism:
‘The great mistake is to anticipate the outcome of the engagement; you ought not to be thinking of whether it ends in victory or defeat. Let nature take its course, and your tools will strike at the right moment’.”
Who encouraged you through the pandemic? Share their inspiration below!
KEEP READING: Can COVID-19 Stop the Christmas Magic?
Photos: courtesy of families