It isn’t quite summertime, but we’re all looking forward to a little rest after the tumultuous year and a half that’s past. Some families treat summer like a lazy time, others as the fourth semester of school, but we all know that come July, some kind of break from the norm is in order. That’s where here we at Jingkids come in, ready to rock your scheduling world with these summer camp highlights. Each week we’ll go behind the scenes of a camp so you can make the right choice for your family.
Pingo Space Survival Camp
You might hear survival camp and think you’ll get put through endurance tests before being voted off the island or win a large cash prize. But Jennifer Holstein, Human Resources Manager and Event Planner of Pingo Camp, assures us that it’s really just a chance to connect kids in Beijing to the nature they don’t get every day from living in the city, “This camp is so valuable because kids will be able to get down and dirty and learn real-life skills that can help them in any outdoor situation and last for a lifetime… Some campers have never seen half the things they get to see at camp. Kids will learn how to build fires, build shelter, filter water, build rafts, and more!”
Some of the benefits of this camp are its authenticity; for instance, campers will get to sleep at the camp and will learn how to “survive’ (in teams and with help) in the wilderness. Don’t worry if they’ve never slept away before, because Holstein says that “Most campers cry when they go because they don’t want to leave their parents, and cry when [their parents]come back because they don’t want to go home.”
You still get the “Survivor” or Lost Boys experience after your training, though. Holstein says that “On the last day of camp, campers get to go to a nearby survival island with lots of awesome games and activities.”
Summer Camp Facts
Who: Pingo Space 平行国
What: 5 fun-filled days of outdoor survival camp where campers learn skills to survive in the wilderness
Where: Huairou, Beijing campsite, at night campers bunk with one other person in an air-conditioned room with a private bathroom
When: Jul 19-23, Jul 25-30, Aug 1-6, Aug 8-13, Aug 15-20, Aug 22-27
How: WeChatID: jcourt
Ages: 7-14 years old
Teacher to Child Ratio: 1 Lead instructor, 2 assistant instructors, 12 campers
Prices: RMB 7580-8980
Curriculum: Fire building, water filtration, building rafts, building shelter.
Conclusion: Survival camp completion certificate|
About: Highly experienced outdoor guides with wilderness first aid certifications. This is the third year Pingo Space has been running this camp. All staff and instructors are highly experienced.
Your UK Summer in China at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo
Summertime is usually a time when expat families return to their home country and refresh a bit in more familiar surroundings. With travel restrictions still in place, however, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China stepped up to “offer an authentic British-style university experience from the safety of China. This program is also highly practical, with every element designed to help students who wish to apply to overseas universities in the future,” said Julian Fisher of the Venture Education.
“UNNC is welcoming two cohorts of bright young minds to our British-style campus this summer, David Foster, the Director of Business Development Office, University of Nottingham Ningbo China told jingkids. “The courses are selective and students must pass an interview to attend, but there truly is no better way to prepare for overseas study in the future than working alongside top academics surrounded by cutting-edge research in STEM, Business and Social Sciences.”
With “taster sessions” in the STEM or Business and Social Sciences subjects, 40 hours of academic English classes, and activities like sports, games, a Masterclass Series with UK university admissions experts, workshops, this camp aims to show students what kind of experience they would have at an overseas university.
All students will also sit the Morrisby assessment, a psychometric test common in the UK, which is used to highlight a student’s strengths. These are then compiled with their most suitable choices for degrees and careers in a bespoke 20-page report for each student.
Summer Camp Facts
Who: University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo
What: An international, English-language university experience in China this summer.
Where: University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo
When: Jul 19 – Aug 6
How: Visit the website:
Ages: 14-17
Teacher to Child Ratio: 1:30 (various expert teachers for the different workshops and classes)
Prices: RMB 32,000
Curriculum: Two courses:
B: Business and Social Sciences
Students choose one of these two options when they apply. They will undertake projects which will serve as taster sessions to various subjects within these areas.
Projects include (subject to change):
STEM – Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Electronic Circuits and Drones
Business and Social Sciences – Language and Linguistics, Marketing, Economics
Each course will also feature 40 hours of academic English classes and 3 bonus IELTS classes run by former IELTS examiners.
Conclusion: All students will receive a certificate for completing the course. There will also be awards available for the best performers according to certain criteria which will be laid out in the student handbook given to students before the course. Tied to these awards will be personalized letters of recommendation from professors, which students can use to support their applications to overseas universities.|
About: With a beautiful campus designed in the image of the University of Nottingham UK, British-style teaching, and a multicultural environment with 284 foreign academics and students from all across the world, UNNC Summer School is a truly authentic representation of a British-style university.
KEEP READING: Summer Camps Preview: A Royal Summer Camp and Inclusive Cycling
Images: Canva, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo