For weeks we’ve hyped up the fact that Saturday, May 29’s Jingkids Summer Fling won’t just have people standing behind booths trying to get you to sign your kids up for their camp. Every camp present will also have activities for the kids to try, so you can see not only how the camp counselors interact and jive with your kiddos, but also how your kids respond to the activities provided by the camps!
And now you can finally see our list of fantastic camp participants. Each one will be there on Saturday, ready with fun things to do and answers all of your questions!

一土空间 ETU Space will teach children how to build “tree houses”

荣鼎托幼 Laureate Daycare will provide a reading corner and face painting for children, plus popcorn!

HSBC 汇丰银行“小小银行家”免费公益活动 will share their “Little Banker” activities for an all ages finance and business class

DDC 天乐勤教育 will be on site to host a medical game with the children

问创教育 Venture Education will teach you how to build a rocket.

Professional golf lessons with the 果岭勇士高尔夫学院 Green Warrior Golf College.

毅杰国际艺术中心 Renee International Arts Center will teach little princesses how to make skirts

凯文教育集团 Kaiwen Academy brings a “Frozen” series of STEM games

乐语坊西瓜乐园 Fun Spanish will bring some Spanish tongue twisters and a dress-up photo experience!

哈豆美式橄榄球学院 Huddle American Football Academy will be on the scene to take the children sports skills.

音琴美诗艺术中心 Yosemite Art Center will offer up a DIY coloring kite and other entertaining learning to enhance children’s creativity.

尤文图斯足球学院 Juventus Academy will instruct kids through drills and scoring.

骑乐燕龙马术学院 Joy Pony will teach techniques of horse riding on their stand ins. For the real thing, join their camp!
Other camp activities will include:
3小时留学 3 Hours Education will provide a ring toss and pottery painting for children 3-18 years old.
中信保诚·融睦传家 Citic-Prudential Rongmu Family will teach a sampling of their children’s financial and business class, plus on-site handmade lipstick production.
诺舟旅行 NOVA Travel will host games based on Beijing knowledge and give prizes on the spot to winners!
今开言欢剧 has drama workshops and games for families in both Chinese and English!
超级星教育 Super Star has a robot and programming lesson for kids to enjoy!
More camps who’ll be there!
彼岸儿童博物馆 KCM
领睿学院 Scientia Academy
乐读前沿 The Reading Frontier
And of course, the food:
Whether you pack a picnic or get food at the venue, we welcome you to partake in the delicious food options provided by the vendors who will be at the event too!
Peach by Hulu
Basil 罗勒
Gung Ho! Pizza 叫板比萨
辛苦你啦 ChunBo
Comptoirs de France 法派1855
The Jingkids team will also host three-legged races and other fun activities. We can’t wait to see you!
Scan the QR code to get your tickets, special picnic blanket, and let us know questions in the comments. Let’s get your summer sorted out on Saturday!

Picnic blanket is FREE with any purchased ticket.
KEEP READING: Five Reasons Not to Miss Jingkids’ Summer Fling on May 22!
Images: courtesy of the camps