What do you do when you’re met with a blank sheet of paper or an empty screen? No matter what medium you use, your age, or where you are in the creative process, artist’s block (more commonly applied to and known as writer’s block) always seems to hit when you least expect it. So, what is art block, and how can we overcome it?
Like writer’s block or a creative block, art block is when the flow of creativity is obstructed, and the artist is left staring blankly at a page. Art block shows up at different times for different people depending on the variables in their life. For example, self-doubt, harsh criticism, or comparing yourself to others might all lead to art block.
And though art block may not be avoidable, there are various ways to deal with it.
Reimagine one of your old pieces
When I’m hit hardest with art block, I find it helpful to go through my old artwork and pick one to redraw. This not only gives me an idea of what to draw but also helps me chart my improvements over the years.

A redraw I did July 2021 (left) of an old piece from November 2020 (right)
Don’t be afraid to take a break and let your mind rest
If you can’t come up with any ideas or entirely lack motivation, don’t force yourself to create something. I know how frustrating it is to stare at a blank page, but sometimes taking a step back and letting your mind rest will allow you to return with renewed vigor.
Ask a friend to give you a creative challenge or find a prompt online
Often times I have found myself sitting for hours trying to come up with ideas, but sometimes if you let your friends give you a completely random idea or prompt, you might be surprised by the final product. Even when the end result isn’t what you hoped for, talking with friends and letting yourself create something completely random will help rest your mind and let you return to drawing with a fresh perspective.
Experiment with different supplies and mediums
If you’re a digital artist, pick up a pencil and try something more traditional. If you’re a traditional artist, try digital art (yes, Microsoft paint counts). Whatever it is, shake things up a bit! Go out and buy some new supplies or look through the supplies you haven’t used in a while. Sometimes taking a break from the norm will help you break free from the shackles of art block.
Art block isn’t something that will go away after you recite a magic spell, but hopefully, these ideas will help equip you to slay the dragon that is art block. Remember, art block happens to the best of us, and ultimately, it helps us grow one way or another. So, the next time the dragon rears its ugly head, you’ll know how to defeat it.
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Photos: Feifei Xu, Unsplash