Last year around this time, I got wind of a Halloween-themed event taking place that provided an unconventional way for me to celebrate this festival of Western origins. It was making this –
Decorative Halloween-themed sushi!
Now I love eating sushi, but like most others who consume the Japanese dish, I had never attempted to make it before. This was just too cute an opportunity to pass up!
The sushi-making master who made these is certified in making these culinary treats and other decorative baked goods that, if you’re lucky, you just might get to see on display at her place when you take part in the class. I am still personally entranced by the little ballerina tutus made of icing that were there the last time I was!
When you sign up for the class, you’ll be treated to a glimpse of culinary artist Yuka’s elegant home and meticulously-curated kitchen. Everything you need has been carefully weighed and measured, and she even writes out the recipe and directions by hand, providing participants with the photocopies.

I know it doesn’t look like it but it’s all going to turn out fine.
The sushi-making class generally lasts about two hours, depending on how many individuals there are and how quickly they work. Decorative sushi chef Yuka is extremely accommodating and takes the time to come around to each and every person’s corner of the table to check on how you’re doing throughout the session.
Pro Tip: Many a time, I discovered that a very tiny miscalculation at the beginning will roll into a much bigger mistake later, so do your best to minimise the margin for error right from the start! But even if it looks like it’s not quite right, it really does turn out fine in the end…

Not bad for a first try right?
As they say about cooking and baking, it really is a marvelous feeling to create something out of some bare ingredients with your own two hands. If you’re interested to try it for yourself, there is an upcoming opportunity this Friday, Oct 22 to join the limited class for adults. And for the first time ever, Yuka is conducting a kid-friendly version of her Halloween sushi class on Oct 25 10.30am. This will be suitable for kids from 3 – 6 years old. Add her on WeChat at yukatanabeburkhardt or 130 7116 2962 to sign up!
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Images: Yuka, Vivienne Tseng-Rush