You’d think by 2022 Beijing’s restaurants and bars would’ve caught on to just how distasteful “get a free rose and pink cocktail” promotions on International Women’s Day are. It’s not a glorified ladies’ night nor should it be treated like one.
Let’s take a look at some statistics on women in the workplace, courtesy of US-based recruitment software company Lever.
1. The World Economic Forum has projected that correcting gender segregation in employment and in entrepreneurship could increase aggregate productivity globally by as much as 16 percent.
2. Women only hold about 10 percent of the top executive positions at US companies, with women making up just 5 percent of chief executives of S&P 1500 companies.
3. 56 percent of startups have at least one woman in an executive position, and only 40 percent have at least one woman on the board of directors. 100 percent of them have men.
4. Nearly 60 percent of women from all racial backgrounds have experienced unwanted comments or jokes about their gender.
5. The majority of women (61 percent) believe that exclusion is a form of bullying in the workplace, the majority of men (53 percent) believe it is not.
6. According to Glassdoor, recruiters are 13 percent less likely to click on a woman’s profile than a man’s when she shows up in a search.
7. Female job seekers/workers are 50 percent more likely than male job seekers/workers to cite CEO misbehavior as a reason to drop from the recruitment process (42 percent vs. 21 percent), and 41 percent more likely to rate poor customer service levels as a detracting factor (39 percent vs. 23 percent).
8. Women constitute slightly more than half of the college-educated workers but makeup only 25 percent of college-educated STEM workers.
9. Women receive 50 percent of all science and engineering bachelor’s degrees. Of the STEM fields, women received 18 percent of computer science degrees, 20 percent of engineering degrees, 43 percent of mathematics and statistics degrees, 39 percent of physical sciences degrees, and 59 percent of biological science degrees.
So in the spirit of International Women’s Day on Mar 8, here are some events that are doing it right.
International Women’s Day Concert
Venue: NCPA Concert Hall 国家大剧院音乐厅
Date: Mar 8
Time: 7.30-9.10pm
Address: No. 2 West Chang’an Avenue, Xicheng District (西城区西长安街2号)
Original Price: RMB 100-600
Discount Price: RMB 95-570
Scan the QR code to buy discount tickets:
Note: Tickets are non-refundable, and children less than 1.2 meters are not allowed to enter the theater.
Charity #BreakTheBias Celebration at Xian
The theme of 2022 International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias. Can you imagine a gender-equal world that is free of biases, stereotypes, and discrimination? A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive? A world where difference is celebrated? It is believed that collectively we can forge women’s equality!
Some amazing women-led organizations in Beijing have come together to celebrate International Women’s Day! Please join Beijing Women’s Network, Clothing Auction Network, Date Night China, Female Expats in Beijing, Ladies who Tech, Palygo, Well Women, and Viva on Tuesday, Mar 8 to break the bias together!
Date: Mar 8
Time: 6.30-9.30pm
Location: Xian Bar East Beijing
Shop for cool stuff from women-owned businesses
Breaking the Circle of Bias in Decision Making
Women’s Day Ladies Afterwork Apéro
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Images: courtesy of organizers