Covid is really making its way around Beijing and the pressing question on every parent’s mind is what to do and what medication to give kids if they test positive.
Below is a recommendation of medication that can be given to children that comes from Dr. Xia Lihong – Deputy Head of Pediatrics at the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Chinese Medicine.
Jingkids is not affiliated with the recommending doctor or the hospital. Please consult your child’s pediatrician before giving them anything you’re unfamiliar with.
For fever higher than 38.5 degrees Celsius, give Children’s Motrin or Children’s Tylenol based on the recommended dosage.
If the fever is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, the following Chinese medication can be used:
- 小儿柴桂退热颗粒 (Xiao Er Chaigui Tuire Keli)
- 小儿豉翘清热颗粒 (xiaoechiqiao qingre keli)
Sore Throat
- 小儿青翘颗粒 (xiaoer qingqiao keli)
- 蒲地蓝消炎口服液 (pudilian xiaoyan koufuye)
- 小儿咽扁颗粒 (xiaoer yanbian keli)
Dry cough:
- Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Dispersible Tablets 右美沙芬 (youmeishafen)
Phlegm cough:
- Ambroxol hydrochloride oral solution 盐酸氨溴索口服溶液 (yansuananxiusuo koufurongye)
Coughing during the later stages:
- 小儿咳嗽糖浆 (xiaoer kesuo tangjiang)
- 肺力咳合剂 (feilike heji)
Stuffy Nose
- Saline Nasal Drops 滴鼻液 (dibiye)
- 鼻炎通窍颗粒 (biyan tongqiao keli)
- 蒙脱石散 (mengtuoshisan)
Again, please consult your child’s pediatrician before giving them any medication.
Images: Dr. Xia Lihong, pexels