Gopala Amir Yaffa is the Founder, Co-director and Owner of the revolutionary Rainbow Yoga that makes yoga fun, social and interactive. Gopala has practiced yoga and meditation since he was 14 years old, was a Hindu monk for 10 years with Sivananda Ashrams and believes that we can make this world a better place if we just stop being so serious and busy and start bringing more play and connections to our life.
Being on a mission to spread concepts bigger than yoga and bigger than themselves, Gopala is visiting Beijing this May to conduct a 3-day Rainbow Kids Yoga Teacher training. He shares his vision with jingkids International, “I have a vision of every child in every home and every school in China (and the world) doing yoga and feeling peace, love and kindness in their hearts. Yoga is a fantastic tool to teach children about the world, nature, their mind, their emotions, and their bodies. Yoga can teach many life lessons such as kindness, friendship, resilience, confidence, equality, self-expression, and many more. And this education is the key to social evolution and positive change in the world!”
Rainbow Yoga trained over 35,000 Rainbow Kids Yoga Teachers since 2007! We make yoga FUN! Kids learn through fun, fun is engaging and fun connects people – And connection is something we all crave and need now, post-COVID, even more than before.
Thinking about the impact all those amazing people we train to be kids yoga teachers have made and are making on the next generation I know that TOGETHER we are making the world a better place, one child at a time!