What does it feel like to be in a cat cafe where all the cats were once personal pets of the owner’s? In this newly-opened shop in 798, you’ll find the answer.
安心的猫撸猫馆 (An Xin De Mao Cat Cafe) resides deep in the 798 area, amidst other stores that are known to few people. Since the cafe opened only less than two months ago, the number of visitors is still on the rise— meaning that this is the perfect time to visit.
Upon entering the cafe, it was obvious to me that the place was different from similar shops I’d been to. The air was fresh despite there being more than a dozen cats; the room was neatly organized and inviting; the owner promptly gave me covers for my shoes, a light suit for protection, and two squirts of hand sanitizer.
Not only was the environment hygienic and comfortable, but the cats were also incredibly clean and welcoming.
Through my conversation with the owner, I learned that all the cats in the shop were once her personal pets, which is why she cares so much for their health and hygiene. When I was in the cafe, she happened to be cradling one of the kittens (named 发财 Fa Cai), cleaning oily residue from its chin. “There are so many things to take care of when you’re a cat owner,” she explained. “You have to be aware of all aspects of their well-being.” Of course, the effort put into maintenance and care showed overtly during my time there—unlike cats in other cat cafes, the kittens here had soft, healthy fur and clean, adorable faces.
On the other hand, these cats also seemed to have fun, unique personalities. Some, like 小老虎 Xiao Lao Hu (Devon Rex) and 水水 Shui Shui (Oriental Shorthair), are passionate “social animals”. Others like 花花 Hua Hua (Cornish Rex) and 小美 Xiao Mei (Ragdoll) are calm and collected, quietly dozing in the corner though willing to give you a nudge if you pet them. Some of the cats are incredibly curious and will follow you if they smell or hear something out of the ordinary, whereas others are avid foodies, singularly and intently focused on the can of tuna in your hands. One of the most intriguing things to do here is just to get to know the character of each kitten.
The owner was also happy to share some of the stories with the cats. She told me how three of the kittens were rescued from a sealed plastic bag, where they almost suffocated; the smallest of the trio is still sensitive and shy in front of people. She also explained which cats liked to fight, which often won, which liked each other, and which was the “boss” in the cafe.
Summing it up, 安心的猫 Cat Cafe is not only clean and organized but also has its own style and personality. Some of the best things about it are the intimate relationship between the cats and the owner (and also between the owner and visitors), the diversity in the experience you can have, and the overall inviting environment.
If you plan on going, the price for one person (30-minute visit) is around 70RMB, whilst the price for two people is about 120RMB. The ticket includes a free drink for you, though the canned cat food is bought separately, costing 40RMB.
Find it:
798 1st Floor, Building 38, No. 4 Courtyard, Jiuxianqiao Road
798 酒仙桥路四号院内38幢1层
Tel: 13240478490
Images: Hanna Wang, Dianping.com