Recently, I got my first pair of glasses, and this article explains how to know when you need them, how to get them, how to take care of them, and also explains that there’s nothing to worry about.
The first sign was… a SIGN!
It all started about a year ago. I was in an airport with my family and we were sitting down for lunch. My Dad told me: “Look at that sign, Rosa! Isn’t it funny?” I looked where he was pointing but I couldn’t read the sign. It was all blurry for me, but the rest of my family could read it.
After that trip, when I got back to Beijing my Mom took me to see an ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist gave me eyedrops and did a few tests. The tests were fine, but I didn’t like the eyedrops very much. She told my Mom that I had to come back in six months for another test. However, almost nine months passed before we went to another eye doctor, this time while we were on summer holiday in Italy. We did more tests there and the doctor told me that I needed glasses, just like my dad.
When we came back to Beijing, we asked a few friends where they got their glasses. Someone suggested we go to Solana, where there are a couple of different shops that sell glasses. We went to one called Jins. Jins has glasses for kids and adults, and they are really quick at making lenses. Since school starts this week, I wanted them right away. Anyway, I tried a couple on, and finally decided on a pink pair of frames. Then I went to get my lenses – it turns out that my left eye needed a stronger lens than my right eye, which meant that my left eye sees worse.
It took the store only 30 minutes to make the lenses and then fit them into the frame, and when they were done, I got to choose a free case! I chose a cute panda one. It came with a beige cloth to clean them with.
When I tried on my glasses for the first time, everything seemed clearer! I could read the signs on the shops around me, and I could see much farther than before. I could even see every single face clearer! However, they also made feel a bit dizzy after some time, and when I looked down, I felt like I was walking on a cloud! Every step that I took felt like I was going to fall! I guess that glasses take more getting used to than I thought!
Tips for Kids!
When you pick up your glasses, don’t pick them up by the glass, or the lenses will smear. Clean them regularly, and to avoid getting glasses in the first place, don’t keep a screen or book too close to your eyes. Also, read under the right light!
Images: Erin Crocetti