LEGO. Whether you love it or hate it, you pretty much can’t live without it as a parent these days. But on top of lamenting the dollars you spend on every new set they come up with and crying out in pain when you step on them, there’s also the issue of losing key LEGO pieces that sometimes render a whole model impossible to build. What do you do then? Buy the entire set again just for that piece? Scour Taobao for that one lost piece?
Well, I’m here to share some wonderful news that my son and I discovered when we recently went on a mission here in Beijing to replace a lost LEGO piece. You can have replacement LEGO pieces sent to your own home, for free!
Search the LEGO Official Account on WeChat and have the model number of the LEGO set, plus the individual piece number – which you can find in the manual of the set – ready. If you don’t know the individual piece number and don’t have the physical manual, there are also digital copies of the manuals on the Official Account for easy reference!

Did you know? Each LEGO piece has its own unique number!
Check out the step-by-step instructions to get a LEGO piece replacement sent to your home for free!
1. Search for the official LEGO account on WeChat (make sure you don’t choose the mini program!). Put in 乐高公众号.
2. Select the “Self-Help Request Replacement” option circled in the image.
3. Click “Start” under the first option, which is “Replace Lost Pieces.” The lower option is to replace broken pieces.
4. Enter the LEGO set number in the search bar, then confirm that the set that shows up is the right one.
5. Input the LEGO piece number into the search bar (you can reference the digital manual if you need) and screenshot the number so you won’t forget.
6. Verify that the input piece is the correct one. You can also choose to add more pieces (using the same procedure) on the next page.
7. Input your details and confirm at the bottom of the page. That’s it!
8. Check the email address you gave for their email verification of the request. You should receive a follow up email in a couple of working days if the request has been approved. It states that delivery should take 7-10 working days, but in some extreme circumstances can take up to 30 days.
In our case, we received our request LEGO replacement pieces exactly 10 days from the day we requested them – hurrah!
A few things to note:
Each request is subject to approval and availability of the pieces, so do check your email to make sure you receive a confirmation that the request has been approved.
When I asked the helpful LEGO staff who walked me through this process whether there was a limit to how many pieces you could replace, he said that there was no technical limit in place. However, if you did exploit the system and request, say, 20+ pieces of LEGO to be sent to the same address, someone’s probably going to take notice and stop allowing the requests.
Since we’re talking about LEGO, it seems fitting to inform you that tickets to the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Beijing are at an all-time low of just RMB 120 for all-day play. It used to be RMB 160 two years ago.
Check out this article to learn all about what the LEGOLAND Discovery Center in Beijing has to offer and how to get those RMB 120 tickets!
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Images: Unsplash, Vivienne Tseng-Rush