Setting Up Your WeChat Account and Must-Join Groups in Beijing
No matter how you feel about social media, living in China means using WeChat. So hey, might as well get the most out of it!
No matter how you feel about social media, living in China means using WeChat. So hey, might as well get the most out of it!
Beijing families share their tips on garbage sorting and saving the environment.
Before it gets horribly hot outside, check out these parks for picnics and camping in Beijing!
Want to chat with friends? Join in groups? Share moments? Time to create your WeChat account.
What on Earth is a “chicken baby”? (And a cow baby, tadpole baby, frog baby…….)
The new Xinhua Dictionary Chinese-English version was launched at the Beijing Book Fair!
Schools in Beijing have delayed students’ arrival times in response to a request from the Ministry of Education to ensure students get enough sleep.
Keep calm about school choice and come to Jingkids International School Expo.
Three reasons you should spend some time in forest parks: Precious natural oxygen bars. Open space for family gathering. And most of them are free!
China Considers Banning Teachers From Having Sex With Students