How This Teacher’s Own Journey Through Tech and Science Inspires His Students at Journey Academy
Ari Perela, a teacher at Journey Academy, passes on his passion for science and tech to his students
Ari Perela, a teacher at Journey Academy, passes on his passion for science and tech to his students
There is also a special discount to be had for dog registrations if you can provide proof that your dog has been spayed or neutered. The discount can be as much as 50% for the initial registration should the proof provided be from a legally registered and licensed animal hospital in Beijing.
Even though kids in Beijing are back on campus, there are many more that are still caught in the distance learning loop, unable to unglue their eyes from their devices. And this techno-vortex has not only sucked kids into it, but has dragged parents in right along with them, as now parental feedback, and even parent-teacher conferences are performed online.
From Christmas tree lightings to wonderfully whimsical Christmas bazaars, here are some of the yuletide season’s events you simply can’t afford to miss!
The Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau responded by suspending a number of outdoor construction operations and the restriction of operations by some manufacturing companies. Though this is expected to have passed by today, there is no telling what the air quality will be like, and it might be time to return to our trusty N-95 masks.
Many might say that men have a rather laissez-faire attitude towards their physical, psychological, and emotional health, as a result of certain cultural norms, now considered toxic, tied to masculinity.
Between working to help the entire family readjust to their return to Beijing, and the normal running of a household, Perez has had little time to do much in the way of self-care, making her a perfect candidate for this month’s Indulge spot.
Whether new to the ol’ Jing or an old hand at this game, we would like to hear about it. We want to know what has made your stay here successful, what you have learned in your stay here, what you would like to tell your pre-China or Pre-Beijing self if you had the chance, hacks on how to find your kids the best schools, to how you dealt with culture shock and a language barrier if you did not speak Chinese!
From featuring some of Beijing’s cutest pups up for adoption to giving vital, timely information on pet health and what it takes to import and export animals from China, as and when the requirements are modified.
Thirdly and most importantly, have your wishlist ready. Do not veer away from it. Sticking to it will ensure you don’t get side-tracked and settle for other spur-the-moment purchases you might come to regret later.