Health 17 Nov 2016 0 158 Help! My Ayi Won’t Grocery Shop… Before expat families register for an online Ayi training course, I always approach the subject…
Nutrition 28 Oct 2016 0 244 Halloween Bites : A great occasion to help your kids taste new foods! Your kids may be picky eaters, or even if they are not, they certainly have…
Family 11 Jul 2016 0 142 What Should My Ayi Do While I’m on Summer Vacation? Olivia of Cuisine Mei Wenti answers this difficult question for those who are the sole…
Recipes 29 Jun 2016 1 307 The Best of Summer Vegetables and Fruits from Xiaoguan Market Sometimes when you wake up in the morning, you just can’t figure out why you…
Recipes 08 Jun 2016 0 365 Help! How can I get my kids to eat vegetables? People always ask me why I love cooking: did you take some classes when you…
Family 07 May 2016 0 330 Help! Why Does My Ayi Ignore My Family’s Obvious Needs? You have an ayi who has been working with you for months, maybe years, but…
Health 25 Dec 2015 0 372 Sharing Christmas Through Cooking When speaking about Christmas, decorating the house, choosing lovely gifts for the family, and preparing…