Content that has been published in the jingkids magazine

The Newest Issue of Jingkids is Out
Editor Mina Yan gives us the low-down on the May / June issue of Jingkids International.
Content that has been published in the jingkids magazine
Editor Mina Yan gives us the low-down on the May / June issue of Jingkids International.
Don’t stay stuck doing the same old sports. Try all that Beijing has to offer!
Creative individuals with the technical skills to manifest their ideas will always be in demand.
Mommy glow is a real thing. Or is it? Read on to learn about one mother’s salon transformation, and discover some useful tips for postpartum hair care.
From the moment you realize you’re pregnant, thoughts like managing the health and wellness of your baby, mental development, social development, education, finance, and more are all constantly at the back of your mind.
When life gives you lemons, say thank you and make lemon tarts!
Can swimming transform kids’ lives? Check out what the experts are saying…
Did you know that self-directed outdoor exploration is just as important for kids as classroom learning?
Let’s take a look behind the philosophies of play-based education.
The days of accepting the absentee dad as a social norm are far behind us.