Content that has been published in the jingkids magazine

Dive Into the Latest Issue of Jingkids
The latest issue of jingkids is all about playing! Check out these cool places in Beijing for some family friendly fun.
Content that has been published in the jingkids magazine
The latest issue of jingkids is all about playing! Check out these cool places in Beijing for some family friendly fun.
ECE Educators help you create a positive learning environment at home.
AISB-Hope International School has offered students the opportunity to challenge themselves by taking Advanced Placement® classes for a number of years.
Ah, homework… Every kid’s least favorite word. Two teachers give tips on getting it done without the fuss.
What’s the secret to a successful school year? Clear, organized plans. A Beijing teen shares her secrets on planning ahead.
When should parents start preparing for preschools? Three of Beijing’s ECE experts shed some light on the subject.
More than a year after Covid-19 initially closed schools in Beijing, what can we say about online learning that hasn’t already been covered? The answer, according to school leaders at October’s Jing International School Expo panel, is empathy, flexibility, and a multi-pronged approach that looks at all stakeholders in the school community: students, parents, and staff.
When choosing a school, it’s more than just grades and tuition fees.
Is there ever a “good” time to pluck your child out of their school and into a new one?
What type of school is the right fit for your child? Be sure to be up to date on the curriculum guide before you make your decision.