Content that has been published in the jingkids magazine
Charting the Way to A Kinder World: Teaching Through Love
“If a teacher is enthusiastic about what they are teaching then it is easier to engage students and get them to work hard.”
Content that has been published in the jingkids magazine
“If a teacher is enthusiastic about what they are teaching then it is easier to engage students and get them to work hard.”
Feast truly is a place of bonding. My mom and I have been enjoying “mother-daughter bonding time” every day for the past two years.
If you have spent any time in Beijing or other cities in China, you probably noticed buildings advertising “blind massage” (盲人按摩, mángrén ànmó), and wondered a) why there are so many, and b) if the people giving the massages are actually blind. It turns out that in the latter half of the 20th century, massage became a preferred profession for people with limited vision.
What is this sorcery, you may ask? Is this a knockoff product produced by pirates? Have we been taken over by some external force? Are we leaving Beijing?
Nope, it’s still us, the same beijingkids you’ve come to know and (hopefully) love for a decade and a half.
Need a way to organize your stress? This Beijing teen walks us through how she uses both a physical and digital planner to stay organized!
While parents might have a history of charitable activities under their belt, how can they encourage kids to follow in their footsteps and develop an understanding of the importance of charity?
They believe that giving back as a family encourages gratitude for what we have and a desire to share their resources to make the world a better place.
Within a week of applying, I had been approved by LP to foster. I was ready to give my time, heart, and soul, to a furry companion who would fill my long days. There were so, so many puppies that needed a home, and I was just waiting for the right one.
Get kids into the habit of reading with these great recommendations.
Meet the Fabrio family from Croatia and find out what their favorite places in Beijing are.