What’s the Trending Parenting Hack Vid on MI All About?
Recently a video on Douyin went viral that featured a momfluencer explaining how by using…
Recently a video on Douyin went viral that featured a momfluencer explaining how by using…
Recently a video on Douyin went viral that featured a momfluencer explaining how by using…
A number of Beijing international schools have announced delays for students in starting the new academic term.
One school is not like another. Find out all you can before signing your kid up for classes.
Overall, having khan to practice math with has been great. It’s motivated me because of its features that allow you to acquire achievements, to track your own progress, and to master different skills. I would recommend Khan to anyone interested in practicing math outside of school to strengthen their understanding of math.
Little Park grew from a small playgroup in founder Xu’s apartment back in 2015 to a professional early education center with a loyal following of mainly expat parents who love the schools caring environment and play-based program.
Want to know when your child’s school will open? Will summer programs and camps still take place this year? Stay updated with the latest education and school-related information.
BinBin Zhao is the founder of iHommy International Daycare, where children are cared for using Montessori principles in response to an unfilled niche in Beijing’s education sector.
Is there a private kindergarten hack that’ll give your kids boost when it comes to the school visit?
At a press conference held at 4pm today, Tues May 13, the Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC) announced the latest round of class return dates.