Suns Out but No More Tiny Bums Out: Farewell, Split-Crotch Pants
Split-crotch pants, know here as 开裆裤 kāidāngkù were once a very common sight in China. They were especially popular during the hot summer months and kids wearing them would run around with their tiny derrière all out in the open as they played carefree and oblivious to the fact that their private bits are exposed.
It was a practice that’s been around since the time of the Cultural Revolution in China but today, it’s seen as a relic of the old times and tiny exposed bums no longer a common sight in the big cities. Occasionally you can still see some grannies with toddlers running around in split crotch pants around the hutongs, but walking around places like Taikoo Li, the only cheeks you’ll see are the ones hanging out of the 20-something-year-old KOL wanghong’s booty shorts.