Toxic Masculinity Could Be Affecting Your Parenting Style
“Boys will be boys…” The times have changed and so should parenting.
“Boys will be boys…” The times have changed and so should parenting.
Beijingkids asked four local parents about their hilarious New Year resolutions.
Whether new to the ol’ Jing or an old hand at this game, we would like to hear about it. We want to know what has made your stay here successful, what you have learned in your stay here, what you would like to tell your pre-China or Pre-Beijing self if you had the chance, hacks on how to find your kids the best schools, to how you dealt with culture shock and a language barrier if you did not speak Chinese!
People of color in Beijing have long decried maltreatment in the city, from people refusing to sit next to them on trains, to arbitrary photos being taken of them in public spaces, and derogatory language being used against them within earshot by Chinese nationals under the illusion that they did not understand Chinese.
Take good care of your child’s psychological development. As parents, you have this power and choice.
We have seen women needing to let go of the high expectations that we place on others and ourselves, and accept ourselves as we are – messy, beautiful and loved.
This year’s Chinese New Year period had all the promise of unbridled joy for family…