Graduating Seniors Share Their Fondest High School Memories
Beijing’s international school kids grow up in a unique melting pot. Many are third culture…
Beijing’s international school kids grow up in a unique melting pot. Many are third culture…
By the time you walk across the stage in your cap and gown, you’ve officially…
They made it – after 12 years of formal schooling; or 2,160 days at the…
You deserve graduation photos that are as unique as your education experience has been.
Have you ever heard an adult say something along the lines of “You don’t even…
As a recent high school graduate, the most common question I receive is “Where are…
If there is one thing families in Beijing never cease to talk about, it is…
How should I spend my time after finishing high-school? Should I apply for college straight…
We profile the graduating students who have been handpicked to deliver a speech and presentation at the jingkids Graduate Summit 2022.
So the kids are heading off to college, but what’s next for you?