28 Jul 2014 0 1084 Summer Camp 2014: Kicking it with Beijing Kickers We recently paid a visit to Dulwich College Beijing (Legend Garden Campus) to observe the…
27 Jul 2014 0 586 Beijing Playhouse Summer Theatre Camp: A Sneak Peak at A Little Prince Two Fridays ago, we headed to the British School of Beijing (Sanlitun Campus) for…
15 Jul 2014 0 683 Dribble, Block, and Shoot like Yao – NBA Yao School Launches Summer Camps Yesterday was the opening ceremony of the NBA Yao School’s summer basketball camp, kicking off…
16 Apr 2014 0 1974 It’s That Time Again, Summer Camp Season Is Coming Soon! For the coming weeks, beijingkids will bring you all (well almost) summer camps being offered…