Beauty, Style, and Fashion 16 Oct 2015 0 661 Distinguished Speaker Liu Guoliang Talks Table Tennis Liu Guoliang is considered by many to be one of the greatest table tennis players…
Uncategorized 17 Apr 2014 0 512 Distinguished Speaker Aaron “Wheelz” Fotheringham Wows WAB When life gives you a wheelchair…find a skate park! At least that’s the motto of…
Uncategorized 30 Aug 2012 0 946 Astronomer Solves Galactic Mysteries at WAB Why is a black dot moving across the sun so important? Astronomer Jay…
Uncategorized 22 Aug 2012 0 716 Astronomer Jay Pasachoff to Speak at WAB The Western Academy of Beijing (WAB) is kicking off a new year of…