EarlyBird International Daycare Center 爱彼宝

EarlyBird is a leading daycare brand in China, providing full daycare service for children from 0-4 and their families. The school now has more than 60 professional daycare centers in China. Since it first established, EarlyBird has been well known by the whole society for its professionalism and innovation. They have won many awards, and have become one of the first demonstration childcare service institutions in Beijing, and the first professional childcare institution to obtain the childcare qualification of Chaoyang District, Beijing.

At present, EarlyBird has formed a business model driven by vocational education, offline stores, and online platforms, established a moat for enterprise development, and formed a core competitive advantage. Based on the three core products, it can be extended to various service forms, such as industry services and family services. EarlyBird is becoming a high-quality and leading brand in the field of childcare in China.

Room B105, Shengshi Yipin Community, No.28 Xiangjun Beili, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Phase 3, Rongke Olive City, Chaoyang District, Beijing (intersection of Futong East Street and Fu An East Road)
No.202,2nd Floor, You An International Building, No.2, West Tieying Middle Road, Fengtai District, Beijing
WeChat: EarlyBird爱彼宝

Founding date: 2017
School type:  Child Daycare
School hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-6pm

Ministry of Education accredited?  Yes
Curriculum description:
Daycare Curriculum: EarlyBird is built on the belief of “Like my child, like the child’s home”, they are committed to providing research-based scientific childcare for children from 0-4 years old. They’ve build an environment that is safe and open for children to explore and support their parents to start a better early childhood education for their child.
EarlyBird Parent-Child Curriculum: Based on Piaget’s cognitive development theory, whole child development is supported through 7 major sensory perceptual systems, 6 physical developments, and 45 types of fine motor development.  Promote children’s 3C capabilities (Critical Thinking, Collaboration, Creativity) in the way of parent-child joint games, team cooperation, and project learning methods. Early child education is not only for children but also for the family. Through professional parenting guidance and interesting class experience, parents will take their happiness, achievements, and knowledge back home.

Age range: 3 months – 4 years
Grades offered: Infant, Toddler, Preschool
Number of students:  CBD: 30 children in center, 34 the maximum, Wangjing: 58 children in center, 70 the maximum. Lize: 60 the maximum
Foreign passport holder accepted?  Yes
Local Chinese students accepted?  Yes
Nationality of students:  Chinese, British, American, Korean, etc

Class size (average): 12-15
Teacher-student ratio: 1:3
Number of foreign teachers: 8
Number of Chinese (assistant) teachers: 31

Tuition and other fees (2021-2022 academic year):
• Full Day Care: RMB 14,800-16,800 per month
• Parent-Child Class: RMB 600 per class

Primary teaching language(s):  Chinese and English
Other elective language(s):  N/A
After-school activities: Outdoor activities, art, music, baking, drama, book reading
Extra help offered? N/A
Scholarships offered?

Total area (in sqm): (Indoor, Outdoor) CBD280, Wangjing600, Lize500
Facilities: indoor playground, central ventilation system, floor heating system, air cleaning system 
2 meals and 2 snacks per day, RMB 1,000 per month
Boarding program? No
Nurse/doctor available? Yes

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