La Maison Montessori de Pékin – Heguang Campus 中法禾光双语蒙氏儿童之家

Located in the heart of downtown Beijing, La Maison Montessori de Pékin (LMMP), established in 2013, initially answered to the needs of French-speaking families in Beijing seeking diverse educational options for their children. Over the years, it has expanded to offer both French-Chinese and English-Chinese bilingual Montessori environment.

LMMP is committed to providing an alternative educational method that adapts to each individual student and is inclusive for each individual family. The Montessori-certified educators foster fully bilingual environments in both French-Chinese and English-Chinese for children from over 20 different nationalities.

The aim at LMMP is to create a connected community, inspire a lifelong passion for learning, and thoughtfully prepare children for the future, emphasizing care and trust.

Address: Park Avenue Lifestyle Plaza, 2F No 6 Chaoyang Park South Avenue
Contact: 17310857396

Founding date: 2013
School type: Bilingual Montessori preschool and kindergarten
School hours:8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Ministry of Education accredited? Yes
Curriculum description: Montessori

Age range: 1.5 to 6 years old
Grades offered: 1 mixed-ages 1.5 to 3 years old and 3 mixed-ages 3 to 6 years old classes
Number of students: 100
Foreign passport holder accepted? Yes
Local Chinese students accepted? Yes
Nationality of students: France, China, US, UK, Italy, Germany, Chili, Russia, Canada, Australia, Spain, Brazil, India, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, Vietnam
Class size (average): 1.5 to 3 yo: 18 children, 3 to 6 yo: 22 children
Teacher-student ratio: 1.5 to 3 yo 1:4, 3 to 6 yo 1:7

Tuition and other fees (2024-20245 academic year):
• Tuition fees:
– French Chinese class: RMB 110,000 per year
– English Chinese class: RMB 118,000 per year
• Meals fees: RMB 9,000 per year for “one lunch two snacks”, RMB 12,000 for “one breakfast, one lunch, two snacks”
• One-time expense (only for first year of registration) : RMB 5,000

Primary teaching language(s): French, Chinese, English
Other elective language(s): N/A
After-school activities:
• Culture: Music, Piano, Art, Jewelry, Drama, Cooking
• Sports activities: Kung fu, Krav Maga, Dance for children
• Languages: beginner English, advanced English, beginner French, advanced French, Pinyin
Scholarships offered? Yes. Contact the school for details.
Extra help offered? No

Total area (in sqm): 3,000
Facilities: Outdoor and indoor playgrounds, music room, central air purifying system
Lunch: LMMP provides one lunch and two snacks a day that take the child’s nutritional needs into account. The school also provides an alternative menu for children with dietary restrictions (allergies, religion, special food choices).
Boarding program? No
Nurse/doctor available? Yes

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